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YFH announces board resolution approving 2024
dividend distribution
- Date of the board of directors resolution : 2025/03/14
- Year or quarter which dividends belong to: 2024 year
- Period which dividends belong to: 2024/01/01-2024/12/31
- Appropriations of earnings in cash dividends to shareholders (NT$ per share): NT$1.55 per share
- Cash distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus to shareholders (NT$ per share): 0
- Total amount of cash distributed to shareholders (NT$): NT$20,061,439,238
- Appropriations of earnings in stock dividends to shareholders (NT$ per share): NT$0.30 per share
- Stock distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus to shareholders (NT$ per share): 0
- Total amount of stock distributed to shareholders (shares): 388,285,921 shares
- Any other matters that need to be specified: The amount of dividend distribution which is subjuect to adjustment due to the matters of actural situation driven, change of legal regulations or direction from government authorized party, affecting the number of outstanding shares in circulation, shall be submitted to the shareholders' meeting for resolution authorizing the chairman and the board to recalculate the dividends distribution ratio based on the number of outstanding shares on the ex-dividend date and ex-right date.
- Par value of common stock: NT$10